Background Remover for Canva Pro:
To remove the background from an image, upload the image you wish to use.
Then, click on the photo from your uploads to the left to bring it into the design.
With the image selected, click Edit Image from the top toolbar.
Then click BG Remover
Click BG Remover again to touch-up any areas you want restored or removed.
Adjust the brush size for fine-tuning and toggle show original image for an alternative view.
Once you're happy with your image you can download it with a transparent background and re-upload it to Canva to place it into a new C&C template.
Or simply copy and paste it in Canva directly into a C&C template.
Free Background Remover:
If you do not have Canva Premium, you can remove the background of an image for free at
Upload your image at
The site will automatically remove the background from your image.
Touch up any areas you want restored or removed.
Adjust the brush size for fine-tuning.
Download your image from and upload the image into Canva.
How to Put Text Behind an Image for a 3D Look
This is called Positioning
We use positioning to give the template a 3D feel.
This involves moving text in front and/or behind an element or image.
To position elements, click on the element you would like to arrange and click Position on the toolbar.
On the Arrange Tab, you can send the element Forward or Backward.